Thank you for taking some time to report safety related information. These instructions will assist you in completing this document. Note: You only have to fill in fields in white colour. Grey fields will be filled in by the Safety Manager on initial processing of your report. 4. UTC Date and Time The date and time of the occurrence concerned 6. Location of Occurrence: You can use a designated point, an approximate area, distance and radial from a navaid , geographical coordinates etc. 15. Registration/Callsign Fill in the aircraft's registration 21a. Last Departure Point This would normally be the departure aerodrome for this flight. 21b. Planned Destination Fill in the destination aerodrome 22. Weather Information If weather relevant, you can insert here information such as METAR reports or the weather as you experienced it during flight. 23. Name of ATS unit concerned If an ATS unit was involved in this occurrence, specify its details. 24. Additional details such as, minimum Separation achieved (where applicable) In reference to (23) above, describe the nature of ATSs involvement in the occurrence and additional details such as minimum separation achieved, collision risk etc.. 27. Location Indicator ICAO location indicator according to ICAO DOC 7910. If the AD has no location indicator, fill in ZZZZ/AD name 28. Location on the aerodrome The point on the AD were the occurrence took place. Ex. Stand 45, Intersection TWY A/B. 32. Persons on Board: The number of Persons on Board (POB) including crew members 34. Narrative Write a brief narrative of the occurrence. Avoid long texts and excessive details. For most occurrences few lines suffice.